D. Pharmacy is a two-year diploma course where students can pursue the same after completing their 10+2 in science stream.

After completion of D. Pharmacy students can be act as registered pharmacist in community pharmacies and hospital as pharmacist. Diploma of Pharmacy (D. Pharmacy) is a two-year diploma course in the field of Pharmacy education. This course is required for practicing business in medicine sector, working in the hospitals and laboratory as pharmacist and technician

Diploma in Pharmacy

Duration: 2 year

  • Total seats: 60 seats: 67% of the total seats are filled by PSBTE & IT, Chandigarh and 33% of the total seats are filled by management on 10+2 merit basis
  • Eligibility Criteria: 10+2 pass with science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Maths).
  • Fee Structure: As per PSBTE & IT, Chandigarh
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